Tristin: tumult, outcry. Deriving from the Celtic name Tristan (a knight of the round table in the Arthurian legend).

Tumult: a loud, confused noise

Outcry: exclamation or shout

To my dismay I am not a knight, nor do I congregate with many a knight at a round table. I do not normally sit at round tables, but I am currently writing this post and sitting at a round table. I have never thought of myself as a loud, confused noise or a shout; although, I do believe that my personality is somewhat exclamatory to those that I do not know well.

When I was a young girl, I would cry to my parents about my name. Why? Because whenever I would get a birthday invitation, a birthday card, an airline ticket, an ID card, and just about anything else, my name would be spelled the following ways: Tristan, Tristen, Tristain, Christin, and Christian. All I wanted was a normal name. I was even more furious when I found out I was going to be named Samantha, but my father had the brilliant idea to name me Tristin at the last minute. 

As I matured, I came to love my name due to its originality. Nowadays when I see my name misspelled by a mentor, a colleague, or a friend, I chuckle and mentally thank my parents for naming me Tristin.