
"As we work to create light for others, we naturally light our own way." - Mary Radmacher

I started giving back to my community when I became a Girl Scout at the age of seven. Although I was too young to comprehend why I was giving back to the community, I knew it was something I enjoyed. As I matured, I started to value the radiating smile I got in return for aiding my community. Not only did my help improve the community, it also taught me more about who and what I value in this world. 

Volunteer Projects

Houston Food Bank - Target 
- Worked alongside interns and executives to pack food to feed over 8,900    people

Ronald McDonald House
- Organized a ‘Girls’ Night’ for the ill children at the Ronald McDonald House
- Ran the Make Over station by overseeing the girls giving each other and myself a make over
- Slept there and made breakfast for the girls

United Service Organization- Hobby Airport
- Dedicated time to making trail mix packs for the U.S. Troops coming home for the holidays
- Would deliver them myself to the troops the week of Christmas

Ayn Rand Institute
- Participated in a service learning activity through ARI
- Worked to help spread the philosophy of Objectivism through mail-outs and flyers
- Researched the energy industry 

Local Community
- Cleaned up trash in the Spring Branch community
- Contributed to beautifying my school environment
- Made butterflies representing the children lost in the Holocaust for a Holocaust exhibit

South Texas Animal Rescue Resource
- Cleaned all cages
- Cleaned animals and fed them
- Made toys out of cloth and cotton for the dogs
- Removed cow manure from the property

Houston Food Bank - Local Community 
- Donated food
- Packed boxes of food for families without food after Hurricane Ike

Tanner Lakes Animal Clinic
- Worked alongside veterinarians in my community’s animal clinic
- Fed and cared for small animals

Loebe’s Sport Karate America
- Assisted instructors in teaching the beginner belt levels at my dojo
- Still continue to train and be a role model for the children
- Participate in judging belt tests tournaments

Tristin Segler (right) sparring Obie Palos at the 2013 SKA Black Belt Test.